
guidegroup Unternehmensberatung GmbH
Oberaltenallee 20a | 22081 Hamburg | Germany

Commercial Register Hamburg | HRB 11 44 09
Sales Tax ID No.: DE274067022
Managing Director: Thomas Kuhlmann

Phone +49 40 600 61 061
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Service Declaration

Our service consists in advising companies. Before the start of the service, the client receives a written offer. The order is placed by a written contract, in which the exact scope of services, the period of performance, the fee as well as applicable law and jurisdiction are fixed.

There is a public liability insurance and a financial loss liability insurance with the Allianz insurance AG in 10900 Berlin, each with scope Germany.


All content and structures of this website are protected by copyright and ancillary copyright. Publication in the World Wide Web or other services of the Internet does not mean a declaration of consent for any other use by third parties.

Any use not permitted by German copyright law requires the prior written consent of guidegroup Unternehmensberatung GmbH.

Note about external links

Our service contains links to third party websites. Links are always live (dynamic) references. Although guidegroup Unternehmensberatung GmbH checked the third-party content during the initial linking process, it could trigger a possible civil or criminal liability. However, we are not constantly reviewing the content we refer to in our offer for changes that could re-establish accountability. If we discover or are notified by others that a specific offer to which we have provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, we will remove the reference to this offer.

No advertising please!

The provision of our contact details in the imprint is not a request for the transmission of advertising or similar information to initiate business. We therefore expressly disclaim any use of our contact information for the purpose of sending such unsolicited fonts, materials and spam. Furthermore, we reserve the right to take legal action in this regard.
